Year End Speak (of my soul)
Dear blog :)
~heh macam ampeh je intro...
Hari ni dah 19th December. Last blog i dated 20th November. Maknanya dah nearly a month i tak memblogging. Huh! Smua simpan dalam hati saja ;)
Erm... Exam, 2 papers on 24th and 26th Nov. Last exam paper was on 8th Dec. (sesambey dok belek my organizer). 29th Nov, start on our new proposal for the company. 6th, 7th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th Dec, meeting, qeja, meeting, qeja ~working on the proposal and data collection for the prototype. 8th n 9th Dec - Kejohanan Liga Kelab Sukan Komuniti D.U.N. Anak Bukit. Sebelum tu punya preparation ada la kan... macam nak mampoih!!!
13.12 - Birthday arwah abah... terbaca pulak my message to him last year a nite before his birthday (which my mom keep the sms ~ now arwah phone's belong to her). I said to him "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY. SEMOGA PANJANG UMUR DAN DIMURAHKAN REZEKI KITA ANAK BERANAK. I LOVE U SO MUCH DADDY. ESOK UR BIRTHDAY KITA NAK CELEBRATE KAT MANA?" ~ Masa i wrote the message, i was in my tok's room, abah dok kat living room dok tengok tv. Masa tu dah jam 11.59 - 12.12.2005. I can hear the phone beep beep maknanya message i delivered lah... Then i dengaq abah shouted "THANK YOUUUUU..." hahahaha! Erm... I miss him so much!
Erm... Erm... maknanya... doa i, Allah tak makbulkanlah, ya? I doakan semoga abah panjang umoq, dan murah rezeki... tapi.... sebulan lepaih 'i wish' tu, dia di jemput pergi menemui Allah.... :( i m so so sad...
15th, 16th and 17th December baqu-baqu ni, i pi family day dekat Colmar Tropicale, Bukit Tinggi. I bawa mak along with me. (15th tu patutnya dah start our journey tapi me, my boss n my E.D. kena attend meeting kat putrajaya ~again for the proposal as above mentioned~). I naik bas to Colmar ~ ikut rombongan Cik Kiah :P. So. i left mak in the bus n i ikut boss p meeting. 3 busses n 20 cars konvoi pi Colmar. Ramai n sangat meriah. My E.D., my bosses, the Club committe members and everybody at the office buat surprise kat i la kununnn :P Depa ajak my brother join us at Colmar. So, abang i apa lagi, bring the whole family la pi sana. Kat Colmar tu was like family reunion la to me :) ~me n my brother saja la... tapi mak hepi sangat sebab cucu-cucu ada sama kat sana :P sabaq je la my bosses n kawan2 kat ofis nih... Tapi ada gak malangnya, camera i rosak! Huhu~ something wrong with the lense i think. Pasai bila switch tang nak snap gambaq, tengok skrin kelammm ja :( huh! Tang review gambaq-gambaq sebelum tu, ok plak! Bengang la... Dah la view kat situ cantik-cantik bangat! Tak pa lah.. I keep it in my memory. Apa-apa pun, thanks boss, n thank you everybody. It's easy ey to make me happy? Love u all...
The rest - kenduri... kenduri... kenduri....
Malam ni, nak betolak ke Seremban. Then esok pi Muar. What else? Kenduri lagik! I cuti tau sampai xmas. Taktau la sempat ka nak blogging lepas tu. Sebab kami buat kenduri Qurban masa Hari Raya Haji yang pertama. Jemputlah ya ;)
So, this is the end i rasa... Next year, kita buka buku baru dan hidup dengan semangat yang baru. I berazam nak jadi seorang wanita yang tabah dan kuat semangat. I dah nak masuk 31 this coming January 7th. I dah wise enuf :) hehe tamao la sebut tua... tapi hakikatnya, i dah tua... I have to be strong. Yes! Kuat dan tabah dalam melalui liku-liku kehidupan ni sorang diri. I kena betul-betul kuat! Tingat plak lagu Whitney Houston ~ The Greatest Love Of All
This song suits me laaaaaaa....
Okay okay :) enuf with the singing session. Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru 2007. Doakan yang terbaik untuk diri kita... dan Salam Aidiladha juga daripada ct untuk semua. Till we meet again. Salamz...
~heh macam ampeh je intro...
Hari ni dah 19th December. Last blog i dated 20th November. Maknanya dah nearly a month i tak memblogging. Huh! Smua simpan dalam hati saja ;)
Erm... Exam, 2 papers on 24th and 26th Nov. Last exam paper was on 8th Dec. (sesambey dok belek my organizer). 29th Nov, start on our new proposal for the company. 6th, 7th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th Dec, meeting, qeja, meeting, qeja ~working on the proposal and data collection for the prototype. 8th n 9th Dec - Kejohanan Liga Kelab Sukan Komuniti D.U.N. Anak Bukit. Sebelum tu punya preparation ada la kan... macam nak mampoih!!!
13.12 - Birthday arwah abah... terbaca pulak my message to him last year a nite before his birthday (which my mom keep the sms ~ now arwah phone's belong to her). I said to him "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY. SEMOGA PANJANG UMUR DAN DIMURAHKAN REZEKI KITA ANAK BERANAK. I LOVE U SO MUCH DADDY. ESOK UR BIRTHDAY KITA NAK CELEBRATE KAT MANA?" ~ Masa i wrote the message, i was in my tok's room, abah dok kat living room dok tengok tv. Masa tu dah jam 11.59 - 12.12.2005. I can hear the phone beep beep maknanya message i delivered lah... Then i dengaq abah shouted "THANK YOUUUUU..." hahahaha! Erm... I miss him so much!
Erm... Erm... maknanya... doa i, Allah tak makbulkanlah, ya? I doakan semoga abah panjang umoq, dan murah rezeki... tapi.... sebulan lepaih 'i wish' tu, dia di jemput pergi menemui Allah.... :( i m so so sad...
15th, 16th and 17th December baqu-baqu ni, i pi family day dekat Colmar Tropicale, Bukit Tinggi. I bawa mak along with me. (15th tu patutnya dah start our journey tapi me, my boss n my E.D. kena attend meeting kat putrajaya ~again for the proposal as above mentioned~). I naik bas to Colmar ~ ikut rombongan Cik Kiah :P. So. i left mak in the bus n i ikut boss p meeting. 3 busses n 20 cars konvoi pi Colmar. Ramai n sangat meriah. My E.D., my bosses, the Club committe members and everybody at the office buat surprise kat i la kununnn :P Depa ajak my brother join us at Colmar. So, abang i apa lagi, bring the whole family la pi sana. Kat Colmar tu was like family reunion la to me :) ~me n my brother saja la... tapi mak hepi sangat sebab cucu-cucu ada sama kat sana :P sabaq je la my bosses n kawan2 kat ofis nih... Tapi ada gak malangnya, camera i rosak! Huhu~ something wrong with the lense i think. Pasai bila switch tang nak snap gambaq, tengok skrin kelammm ja :( huh! Tang review gambaq-gambaq sebelum tu, ok plak! Bengang la... Dah la view kat situ cantik-cantik bangat! Tak pa lah.. I keep it in my memory. Apa-apa pun, thanks boss, n thank you everybody. It's easy ey to make me happy? Love u all...
The rest - kenduri... kenduri... kenduri....
Malam ni, nak betolak ke Seremban. Then esok pi Muar. What else? Kenduri lagik! I cuti tau sampai xmas. Taktau la sempat ka nak blogging lepas tu. Sebab kami buat kenduri Qurban masa Hari Raya Haji yang pertama. Jemputlah ya ;)
So, this is the end i rasa... Next year, kita buka buku baru dan hidup dengan semangat yang baru. I berazam nak jadi seorang wanita yang tabah dan kuat semangat. I dah nak masuk 31 this coming January 7th. I dah wise enuf :) hehe tamao la sebut tua... tapi hakikatnya, i dah tua... I have to be strong. Yes! Kuat dan tabah dalam melalui liku-liku kehidupan ni sorang diri. I kena betul-betul kuat! Tingat plak lagu Whitney Houston ~ The Greatest Love Of All
I believe that children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
Everybody's searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone who fulfilled my needs
A lonely place to be
And so I learned to depend on me
I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I lived as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all
And if by chance, that special place
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength in love
This song suits me laaaaaaa....
Okay okay :) enuf with the singing session. Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru 2007. Doakan yang terbaik untuk diri kita... dan Salam Aidiladha juga daripada ct untuk semua. Till we meet again. Salamz...
Kenangan silam mmg susah nak lupakan.. apa lagi dgn ayah kita... betul tak ct...
awat lar.. kalau ct call umie... umie tak dengaq... pastu umie call ct pulak tak dengaq... awatnya ct na...
*rindu sbb lama tak jumpa*
ct sayang ummie!
hi there...was bloghopping and terjumpa blog ni..
i like reading your blog...keep on writing...
Semoga roh your daddy dicucuri rahmat-Nya...
by the way, i pergi Bukit Tinggi yg cantik tu.. tapi cam kena kacau hantu je kat sana..hehehe...
thx sbb sudi singgah my blog, i hv been to ur blog :) nice to meet both of u...
romantik no hampa dua :P
btw, kat colmar tadak hantu, yg hantu tu dekat meranti.. bejaya group gak la.. so la ni depa banyak promo dok kat meranti... seram u.. hahahaha
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